Monday, April 29, 2013

West Wing Style:

One of my all time favorite TV series, the West Wing, today offers us this little gem. If you think you've ever ranted and raved, you might want to sit down for this. For context, martin sheen there is playing a fictional democratic president, who nonetheless has always been religious. That's all fine and good until his secretary, perhaps the person he was closest to in the whole west wing, gets hit by a drunk driver, after the service he lets this one fly: 
I mean, I've been mad before, but never Latin Mad. 

The latin incidentally translates to: 1:10 - "Thank you, Lord"  and 2:32 - "Am I really to believe these are the acts of a loving god? A just god?" a wise god? To hell with your punishments! I was your servant here on earth. And I spread your word and did your work. To hell with your punishments! To hell with you!" 

Its a powerful piece of television. 

Bonus: Martin Sheen saying everything I've ever wanted to in exquisite style to boot: 

Always remember kids, the president doesn't like it when you don't stand, and he will use his religion to tear the kneecaps off yours. 

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