Sunday, April 14, 2013

Instant Depression, Just Add Fundamentalism

This goes outside of my regular scientific bent towards this blog, but I've found what may be the single most depressing anything christian anywhere. It's a site known as "Fundies Say the Darndest Things". Welcome to the best quotes from the wide world of ignorant debate, bigotry and hatred.

Just hit the "Random Quotes" link up top and enjoy the whirlwind of hatred and ignorance. To believe that just some small portion of a "christian" population believes this is all the fuel my cynicism will ever need. The list of people who can and will be offended, horrified, and/or shocked include: people with liberal politics (myself included), the entirety of the LGBT community, women, people of African or Middle Eastern descent, women again, anybody who knows anything about science (evolution seems to be a particular sticking point, as is ussher's chronology), and atheists and agnostics (myself included under the agnostic territory).

If you keep reading though occasionally you come across extremist feminists, or extremist socialists or even extremist atheists. To be sure the christian population isn't the only group with these kinds of extremist views. in fact, i don't even know that you can cal it "extremist" as simply opposed to another view. I know it sickens me to think of somebody telling somebody else that their way of thinking is offensive or ignorant, but what happens when the right to think as you wish defends those who hate and those who are misguided and closed-minded?

On another note, go watch Inherit the Wind with Spencer Tracy and Gene Kelly. Great movie on similar ideas.

(Ninja edit: some of the quotes could be extremely offensive to Catholics as well, forgot about that.)

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