Monday, May 6, 2013

Paganism, And Christianity. Dates and Theory.

While this guy isn't exactly tactful, or even necessarily correct on where all these names come from, he does bring up a good point. So much of what we think of Christianity today was co-opted from pagan rites. The best known, and most beloved is the Christmas tree. The tree was originally a druidic tradition, meant to celebrate mother nature. Ever wondered why Christmas falls when it does? nobody knows the exact age or birthdate of Christ, so why celebrate it then? ever noticed how it sits right on the winter solstice? yet another pagan ritual grabbed for PR in Christianity's early days. The list goes on, incense was a largely pagan tradition before it was used by christianity.

Also one last thing, a "theory" is a set of observations or processes which we have a solid evidence base or logical train of conclusions that heavily suggest they are true. What separates it from a law is scope applicability, a law is simply an observation and is undeniably true, a theory explains things and could potentially be false, but the observations it rests upon must be true.

Seriously, where do you dig these people up? Every time I see one of these wackos like red crossed out man here, it just drains a little more of me and replaces it with cynicism and bad attempts at dry wit.

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