Monday, February 4, 2013


What happens when you take a straight forward literal physical-sciences interpretation of the bible? Well its the kind of bad joke I should likely apologize for before hand.

Zach Weinersmith (and yes that is his name), The creator of the Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal web-comic, shows what might happen if we throw fusion together with the Bible. All rights for the image go to Zach Weinersmith, I didn't make this, bla bla bla. 
Quite frankly things fall apart with full literal interpretation and physical explanation of the miraculous acts of the bible. What Zach depicted here quite frankly would happen if one were to fuse together alcohol out of its constituent elements. Can a physicist still believe in this case? Did Jesus ignore our normal laws of conservation of mass an energy when he made dense wine out of less dense water? Did he create mass when he fed all these people? Do we accept that perhaps there are flaws in physical laws of the universe tat perhaps divinity or Christ or whatever can exploit? The principles of Induction would argue no, but science is by no means complete. On the other hand (or cheek for those of you in a literal mood) do we completely right off thousands of years of tradition? Of explanation and comfort and say that these tales are flawed? Exaggerated  Allegories?

And here's the big one. Is it necessary to do either?

Plenty of men have managed to be both be scientists and religious, despite knowing full well the apparent contradiction of applying everything we know to a religion. Perhaps the most famous view (and my personal favorite) comes from Einstein, that there is something divine to the science itself, he called it seeing "the mind of god". Perhaps that is the best framework to make the two exist, if a little lopsided. 

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